Pet of the week: Delicata,


Hi everyone I am the gorgeous Delicata! I have been dubbed the "miracle cat" as I am one strong gal who has definitely beaten the odds. I am only about a year old and I somehow found myself at the shelter with my 6 beautiful kittens (they are the Squash Litter and are up for adoption too). Soon after, I was introduced to my foster mama who helped get me out of the shelter and gave me a nice quiet room in her house to nurse my babies. I didn't have the best nutrition beforehand as I was a bit on the skinny side, so keeping my babies well fed was a challenge at times. Despite this, I was determined to be the best mama I could be to my little ones, always putting them first even when it became apparent to my foster mama that I was not feeling well. I slowly began to lose the weight that I had gained and my body started shutting down. Little did I know I had developed a rare condition where my intestines were folding in on each other causing a blockage. I was faced with an extremely risky surgery to repair my intestines and the damage that was done or be humanely euthanized as there was no guarantee that I would survive such a surgery. The wonderful people at One Love looked no further than my trusting eyes and made the decision to give me another chance at life. Well I pulled through my surgery, survived 5 days hooked up to an IV and 10 days of "bed rest" with a cone around my head. While it wasnt my most fun endeavor, I made sure to let my army of caretakers know just how thankful and appreciative I was and still am to them for never giving up on me. I am now stronger than ever and ready to find my forever home!I am definitely not your typical cat. I am extremely social and very affectionate and love to be with my people, either snuggled in their laps or lounging close by. I enjoy playing tug-of-war on my dangling stick toys with my human foster brother and being hand fed my treats. Other cats and dogs don't faze me one bit. I am happy to share my days with whoever will listen and participate in a good cuddle session. I love to talk and sing the songs of my people for others to enjoy and sing along. I like to think that I am a well rounded gal and hopefully the perfect fit for someone out there that has maybe also beaten the odds like I have and that is looking for an extra special cat with a positive attitude and a zest for life.

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